Monday, August 31, 2020

Butterfly Season

It seems to be butterfly season although I have to admit that I haven't seen as many Monarch Butterflies as in years past. Of course I haven't been out and about as much this year either. It seems like a perfect time to look at some of the lovely butterflies that have popped up on local garage doors. The artist for this one is Megan Oldhues.  
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click HERE to see more murals from around the world.


  1. Very beautiful. You can't go wrong with a pretty butterfly for your subject.

  2. What a beauty.
    You reminded me I haven't seen any either, but, like you, I haven't been out walking as much. There are usually many in the Humber Butterfly Garden but I haven't gone there once this year!

  3. Hello,

    What a beautiful butterfly mural! Take care, enjoy your day! Have a great new week!

  4. Beautiful mural Pat, butterflies and bees seem to be a popular mural choice.
    Thanks for participating.

  5. Gorgeous mural, I'd love one on my roller door Pat 💜

  6. I have seen many butterflies on my many walks lately, but none that stayed quite as still as this one so that I could photograph them. :-)

  7. This looks almost photographic. It's very nice.

  8. Beautiful mural! They match to "dance".

  9. Linda mariposa!!. Cuídate.
    Un abrazo.
