Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Last Theme Day: A Favourite Photo

This is the last theme day for the City Daily Photo Blog community and the topic chosen is a favourite pic that you have previously posted. I have chosen this one from 2016 for several reasons. I like the image of the woman herself and also the CN tower in the background sets the stage as being in Toronto. Also the location is at the top of the stairs leading up to Casa Loma which is a favourite place for me to wander. I will miss these theme days a lot! 
Taking part in the Favourite theme. Click HERE to see favourite pics from around the world.


  1. Hello

    Sorry the Theme Day is ending. Your photo is beautiful, I love the view! Take care, enjoy your day!

  2. Nice way to finish up your postings to City Daily Photo. The dress code of the lady makes her look as if she is from the 1800's.

  3. ...there's a lot ot make it a favorite.

  4. Good choice Pat. That lady is somehow timeless...she could be from today or she could be from a past era. Then you look to the right and you know for sure that she is from today.

  5. It is a lovely image, RedPat, and it does include references to favorite Toronto places. Have faith, though. Bob Crowe (St. Louis) is thinking about keeping the theme days alive.

  6. I can see why you like this photo, strong image.

  7. This is a favorite photo for me too, the woman inspires some sort of theater actress out for a stroll!

  8. Yes, she really does draw you into the picture.

  9. Great choice! I can see why it's a favorite. Lots to like.

  10. Good choice. I like the posture of the woman.

  11. Oh, I remember this photo, Pat, good choice !

  12. Excellent choice for the theme Pat, this is a beautiful composition 💜
