Sunday, October 4, 2020

Arts & Crafts In Wychwood Park

This is the next door neighbour of the house that I showed you on Friday and it is typical of the homes in the Wychwood Park neighbourhood. Almost every house in the area is built in the Arts & Craft style like this one. Lovely isn't it?


  1. That is a gorgeous home. I love it!

  2. Beautiful!
    Have a blessed day!

  3. It really is lovely Pat, again the garden is so pretty also, what a lovely neighbourhood ✨

  4. It is lovely. My husband likes it too.

  5. Wow! Trees, power lines, shrubs--quite a risk during wind storms.

  6. This is a beauty, RedPat. Arts & Crafts is not a common style in any of the places I have lived. Maybe we use a different name for it?

    And to answer a recent question from you, I am leaving West Hartford (as you will see in tomorrow's post) and moving ten minutes away from my daughter and granddaughters in Ridgefield, Connecticut (which you have seen a bit in recent days and will see more often in coming days). Moving is a royal pain, especially for someone like me who can't stand the mess of boxes everywhere. But, I am slowly putting things in order . . .
