Saturday, April 10, 2021


At first view it looks as if the female Mallard is standing on water but there is actually a layer of ice below the water surface so it isn't a miracle. This was taken at the pond In the Wychwood Park neighbourhood a week ago when there was still some melting to happen.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. How neat! I always think it's funny when they are on one leg and it looks like the leg is missing! Happy weekend!

  2. Hello,

    Great shot of the mallard couple, they must not mind standing on the ice.
    My feet would freeze. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend!

  3. There must be more comfortable positions in which to take a nap. Incidentally, I was told by a wildlife warden that when they have reason to pick up birds in freezing weather they are warm as toast just below their feathers.

  4. Taking a snooze in icy water is not my idea of relaxing. Good thing I'm not a duck.

  5. Wow, interesting to know, it makes for a really beautiful, and yes magical photo!

  6. Friends just hanging out. Great capture, Pat.

  7. Well, at least it's melting. That's good.

  8. I guess that the Mallard is feeling pretty relaxed. Certainly not threatened by the camera clicks.

  9. Nice shot! Looks like it is quite comfortable standing on ice.

  10. they can sleep anywhere and in any position!! reminds me of my youngest, he is 37 now!!

  11. Very cool, I love the illusion of the lady duck walking on water!! :)

  12. I always used to feel sad when I saw birds standing on one leg Pat, until P said that was how they kept warm, there was another leg up there somewhere 😀 Lovely shot here.
