Thursday, August 12, 2021

They're Back!

 The tourists seem to be trickling back into the city. This is a shot of the stairs leading up to Casa Loma which for the last 18 months have been fairly empty. At this point they have walked up about 90 steps and have about 15 more to go so it is a good place to stop and read the signs.


  1. That would be a rough equivalent in steps to the Catholic basilica in Guelph. I recall it's either 105 or 110 steps uphill to the church doors.

  2. My knees hurt just thinking of all those stairs. What a workout that is. Good street photography.

  3. Wow! What a great view of the city you have from up there!

  4. They are brave climbing all those steps after being locked down for almost two years.

  5. Bet it feels good to get out and about again Pat, the views must be amazing from up there.

  6. Wonderful when the tourists have returned. On the other hand, scary terribly, the infections that come with them. We have a lot of tourists here from the eastern neighbor. There is testing at the border, but it will not be completed until later. Many tourists do not care about the post-line test, but continue around southern Finland, spreading the disease. I read about today’s newspaper a moment ago.

  7. Add my son and and his family to your tourist list. They are are from Nova Scotia and to day they are going to the Art Gallery Of Ontario.

  8. 105 or die! Time to press on. ;-)

  9. Hello,
    The steps are a good work out. It does feel good to get out and do normal things again. Although, we are back to wearing our masks inside. Take care, have a great day and happy weekend!

  10. What it all means only the future can tell.

  11. Es buena señal ver turistas de nuevo. Me gusta el lugar.
    Un abrazo.

  12. What a special place to see from!

  13. Tourists in Waikiki have become a flood and locals are talking about doing something about it. All these entitled heedless people traveling in a pandemic has really made us think about how many people we really want here on the islands.
