Saturday, September 25, 2021

A Lineup Of Sparrows

At this time of year it is not unusual to come upon a large flock of sparrows poking around in a patch of weeds and they are often reluctant to move very far. That was the case here where I disturbed a group of them who then went to the top of this fence and glared at me until I had gone by and they could resume their foraging. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. The sparrows are on the move. They came to visit me this morning.

  2. they say, birds of a feather flock together.

  3. Hello,

    It is pretty view, seeing them lined up in a row on the fence.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. I had an encounter with a flock of birds yesterday too. They scattered to a nearby tree and waited for me to make my way past.

  5. They don't seem to be very scared of you! How neat to see so many!

  6. Sparrows are fun to watch. We have had a flock foraging on our deck for the past few days. At least they held still on the fence for your photo.

  7. That's a lot of sparrows. Thanks for sharing this.

  8. Indeed a common sight also here in Holland.

  9. A nice congregation! Sparrows are rarely seen here due to the increase in Rock Pigeon population.

    My latest post:

  10. I love seeing them gathering. The grackles and red-wings are grouping for their trips south. I love the change.

  11. Very sweet how you describe and show their behavior Pat

  12. they seem to be very bust right now. i have seen them digging in the dirt and sand!!
