Sunday, March 27, 2022

On The Other Side Of The Street Again

Once more I decided to walk on the other side of a street where I always have walked on the opposite side. This was found along Davenport Rd which is a very busy street that cuts across the west part of the city. The houses are built on a steep hill with about 30 steps up to their front door. This homeowner has a wonderful assortment of shrubs all pruned like bonsai planted up the hill.  They actually had a few small bonsai in pots sitting out in the sun for the day.  I can't believe that I never noticed before.


  1. It would be wonderful to have something like that in the garden. The other day I noticed a house, just half a mile from home, that I'd never seen before. Where did that come from?

  2. Very nice! One of our stores just had a bonsai sale, they were small and came in a pot.

  3. This looks great. It's amazing the things we miss when take the same route all the time.

  4. Isn't that funny how you missed it, but they say we need to look all around us, you never know what we might miss. This is really cool too.

  5. Before reading the text, I immediately thought of bonsai. Steep hills make places interesting, but I am of an age where I no longer like steep very much.

  6. That is a great looking topiary tree artfully trimmed. This looks like your spring is far along. It was just 10°F here this morning, so no plants are blooming.

  7. Hello,
    The bonsai is pretty, a lovely garden. Take care, have a happy new week!
