Saturday, March 26, 2022

They're Back!

One of the first signs of spring for me is to hear the Red-winged Blackbirds and about a week ago I was in James Gardens and could hear at least 4 of them each at the top of a tree warbling away. I'm not sure if they were staking out territory or calling for a mate but they were loud. I finally spotted this guy way up top singing. It is so nice to hear them back. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. They are wonderful birds, and quite territorial.

  2. They are beautiful and have a really LOUD call around here! Signs of Spring are always welcome!

  3. Great photo of a beautiful bird!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  4. I'm still putting out lots of food for my feathered friends and rabbits, because it seems to be more like winter than spring here!

  5. Hello,
    I love the Red-winged Blackbirds, they have a pretty song. Great photo.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, enjoy your weekend.

  6. This made me smile! I love hearing and seeing the birds.

  7. What a beautiful bird! There are quite different birds than here.

  8. Our Redwing Black birds arrived about ten days ago. Yes, they are a sign of spring so I am delighted to see them. Our marsh land got its black birds back.

  9. Hello,:=)Lovely captures of the Red-winged Blackbird, it is a beautiful bird, and one I will never see in person.

  10. ooooh how funny that we are on the same page. he posed nicely for you and your image is spectacular!!

  11. Estupenda captura Pat. Bien destaca en el azul del cielo.
    Buen fin de semana.
    Un abrazo.

  12. No Red Wings here yet, just a Starling.

  13. A new bird for me but a beauty it is.
