Saturday, May 28, 2022

A Bath A Day

This shot was taken quickly through a window of the dear Robin who comes every day between 5:30 pm and 6:00 for a bath in the large saucer of water I have out on my roof deck. It especially seems to like it if the water has just been changed and is quite cold.  Other birds drink all day from the water but this bird just loves to get soaked as it is in this pic.

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. One very pretty and refreshed bird.

  2. Lovely bird. Nice to watch the bathing bird. Have fun, we also have The European Robin (Erithacus rubecula). But it’s a whole different bird than you have there.

  3. Hello,
    The Robin is a great bird to see at your birdbath. Cute photo.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  4. That is a happy looking Robin. Now that it is refreshed it can go on about its day.

  5. He must love a nice splash in the water.

  6. His mother taught him well! heehee! What a fun thing to see every day!

  7. what a cute image. robins pose so nicely for pictures and take the best baths!! have a wonderful holiday weekend!!

  8. It keeps their feathers clean and in good shape... and yes they do like to run on time. ~(‾▿‾)~

  9. That must be lovely to see. Your robins are a bit different from ours.

  10. It is wonderful that you have an eye and a heart for this dear bird! Wishing you a splendid weekend, P

  11. Robins, of all the birds that visit, do seem to like the manic splashing.

  12. Robins in the bath are so delightful.

  13. What a lovely photo! Thanks for sharing

  14. Apparently very proud of being clean and fresh!

  15. Bien te mirĂ³. Buena pillada Pat.
    Un abrazo.
