Sunday, May 29, 2022

Joys And Aromas Of Spring

Lilacs have the most beautiful perfume and this seems to have been a good spring for them. In this shot there is a white lilac at front with a pink lilac to the left and a Redbud tree backing them up. These lovelies all survived the horrible wind storm that we had last week.


  1. There is nothing quite as sweet as the scent of lilac. I heard elsewhere about your storm. It was the gods telling people to not vote for Ford.

  2. Oh Yes, I agree. Our house currently smells of the lilacs growing next to our deck.

  3. Hello,
    the blooms and scents are lovely. Take care, enjoy your day and new week ahead.

  4. My parents had a while lilac in the garden of my childhood home. I miss it!

  5. Beautiful and I'm so happy things are coming to life, blooms everywhere!
