Thursday, May 12, 2022


This seems to be a popular place for film crews to work. The orange pylons appear and then 10s of trucks of all kinds arrive to park along the street and in large parking lots that are along the right hand side of this road. The filming itself takes place in some of the buildings along the left. I have yet to spot a movie star there though.


  1. Ah yes, I used to see this very often when I worked in Chicago. Somewhere around 20 years ago, I walked right into a Law & Order shoot in New York City. That was fun.

  2. We get some here in Almonte and Carleton Place, mostly the light romance type.

  3. Toronto has a great film industry!

  4. As you know, Saltaire is often used for filming. Standing around waiting to see stars is generally a thankless mission as they are rarely visible for more than a minute or two, even if there!

  5. The process of making a film is highly technical these days. The film stars may never be in the location where the crew is working and be placed there digital. Filming can disrupt neighborhoods, but it is fun to later see films shot in locations that are familiar.

  6. Pat I hope they offer you a job in the movies.

  7. The last movie I can recall filming here was Mel Gibson as a cranky Santa.

  8. This is wonderful keep us posted, it's always exciting when a film comes to town and take part of the city, and sometimes the people living there as extras!
