Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Record Store

With a good selection of old and new vinyl records Dead Dog Records is well known in the city for those who are into vinyl. The name comes from a story about wind-up dogs that didn't work and it certainly grabs your attention.

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  1. something that I never expected to see again.

  2. I haven't seen a record store in a very long time. There was on in Donegal about six years ago but they closed shop. I like the name of this record store.

  3. There are some folks to still think vinyl records have the best sound. Personally, I don't think so, but records now sell of big bucks.

  4. You are right, that is a name that makes you take a second look.

  5.'s good to know the source of the name, without it I thought that it was dumb.

  6. More culture in the great city

  7. There are a few stores left in Stockholm that focuses on vinyl. And sales have gone up in recent years as many bands now also releases their new material on vinyl once again.

  8. Vinyl records are a big thing here once again among those who have more money than sense. I'm not complaining; I sold my old vinyl collection for £1,000.

  9. Its not that little doggie from His Masters Voice is it. Here in the Netherlands vinyl is also booming. Perhaps I have to get my old turntable back from the attic.

  10. “Dead” has a positive association with music.

  11. I am kind of amazed at the return of vinyl records. Pretty soon we will see Blockbuster Video stores return.

  12. It does, and it's my kind of store too. I just got a new record-player for Mother's Day and it's so much fun!
