Thursday, December 8, 2022

Down By The Lake

I am mining my archives as this time of year is not the most inviting time to be out & about with the short cold days. The sculpture is found near the lakeshore and is by artist John McEwen whose work I really like. It is called The Ballad of Ice and Water and references the changes that have taken place on this land near Lake Ontario. Thousands of years ago it was covered by glaciers which melted and created a large lake which eventually receded to create Lake Ontario leaving this land for humanity to explore and settle upon. I imagine the art was part of the city's requirement for public art to be included in any new building projects.


  1. I like this sculpture and what it represents. We need to be reminded of what the earth was like thousands of years ago.

  2. Social scientist Lewis Mumford says public art is one of the defining traits of a civilization. This fine sculpture shows you live in a civilized place. Keep mining those archives. I'm sure there are treasures there.

  3. Great find. We need art as reminder for sure.

  4. Love the sculpture! It is nice to see sculptures around the city. Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. I hear you! Things have been dreary here. Except for the slowly dwindling pumpkins.

  6. What a beautiful sculpture. Nice find!

  7. I like this too.
    The first sunny day here in what feels like quite awhile.

  8. Stone sculptures look pleasant and polished

  9. ...this is a fabulous art installation. I would be lost without my archive.

  10. Interesting, this emphasis upon public art.

  11. Photographically, November is the bleakest month, and so far, December is just an extension of November.

  12. Great artwork. I like it very much.
