Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Fresh Bagels

I pass by this place all the time but have yet to stop and go in but must make a point of heading there one day. I do love a fresh bagel. When passing by late in the afternoon I have noticed that the Fresh Bagel sign is turned off so I assume that must mean they have sold the bagels out for the day.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. The early bird gets the bagel.

  2. I do enjoy a fresh bagel heaped with cream cheese.

  3. This place looks inviting. One of the things I miss living on the prairie is places like this. There are no real bakeries in our town, just grocery stores that sell bagels that are not fresh.

  4. Hello,
    I would be tempted to stop for a bagel or the sweets, yum.
    Take care, enjoy your day!

  5. An everything bagel with cream cheese and salmon, my favorite.

  6. Not something I eat very often. But you should try it out.

  7. I miss bagels from New York especially the smoky flavour

  8. ...bagels sure have become a popular item. When I was a kid we had to go to a Jewish deli to get them!

  9. Nice entrance but as like scones I am not a lover of the firm dough that makes up a bagel so I wouldn't enter here.

  10. They would be interesting to try although I am not really into bagels very much. I understand that Montreal bagels are supposedly the best. I have even read this from Americans.

  11. Seems to be a yummy place! We had one like that, too, only the early bird got the treats. No idea why they closed or moved...
