Saturday, January 21, 2023

Hiding In The Underbrush

I was at James Gardens a couple of weeks ago and along one of the trails by the Humber River I spotted a birdwatcher so of course went in that direction to see what the attraction was. There had to have been at least a dozen Robins poking about in the underbrush along with about 6 Downy Woodpeckers and a few Blue Jays who were taking baths in the shallow stream there. I took a lot of shots but all the birds were well disguised by the leaves and branches and the Woodpeckers in particular never stayed still. This was my best result showing this brave Robin who has decided to stay with us for the winter. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. ...I think that our robin have gone south for the winter.

  2. You have better luck than I do! I sometimes see birds fly into a bush but cannot find them again to get a photo!
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hello,
    The robin is hiding, maybe finding some food mixed in there.
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a happy weekend.

  4. What a pretty Robin. They show up here in December and we are seeing them every day now. I'm surprised we don't see them year round here. Happy weekend!

  5. I do love seeing robins. Growing up in Illinois, they stayed all winter there. There was something special about seeing their red breasts against the white snow.

  6. The robin is a tough one taking on the winter.

  7. I spotted the Robin right away. Good you were able to see all these interesting birds. Yes, woodpeckers are alway active, so it takes a quick finger and a high shutter speed to catch them

  8. Lucky you. Sparrows are most common bird in my neighborhood.

  9. That's the second picture I've seen of a robin today and they both seem to have pale chest color.

  10. Hello :=). That you saw so many robins in the same place and other birds, seems like an unusual occurrence. The robin is a hardy bird and one of my favourites. I see them almost every day when they visit my feeders. I spotted your Robin right away in your nice photo.

  11. You sure had to look hard to find it. Well, I did anyway. :-)

  12. Those birds don't always cooperate Pat. If only they didn't have wings. LoL.

  13. Wow still a good shot. I like it very much.

  14. Your robins are very different from ours.

  15. that sounds like a great birding spot!! nice capture, our robins are ground feeders too!!

  16. How lucky we are that you follow your fancy and notice!

  17. Yes it is hiding fairly well! You know how to spot them!

  18. He's looking for a tasty snack there somewehere.
