Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Lovely Sign

This is the sign out front of the Helliconian Hall in the Yorkville neighbourhood. I was impressed by all the details in this sign that was presented to the hall by the government of Canada. The hall has been the home of the Helliconian Club for women in the arts & letters since 1923. I will show you the unusual hall tomorrow but liked the sign so much that I thought it deserved its own post. 

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world.


  1. Beautiful sign. Looking forward to seeing the hall.

  2. ...this sign is so tastefully done!

  3. I am sure this club played a most import role in the lives of creative women. Thanks for the information.

  4. It is a very attractive historical marker, and one that was meant to last.

  5. It is a beautiful sign! Take care, have a great day!
