Saturday, March 4, 2023

13th Blog Birthday

Today is the 13th birthday of this blog and I have loved it all those years. When I first started I thought I would post occasionally and hence my blog name but I soon found that I wanted to post everyday and so here we are years later. I have loved meeting so many blog friends and some of you I have known almost from the start. Thanks for all the great posts you all put up each day & I hope that we all keep at it for many more years. The ducks make many Saturday appearances so I thought a party with a bunch of them would be suitable for the day. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Happy anniversary! I do enjoy your forays in Toronto!

  2. Pfft! You're just a teenager. 😀
    Happy birthday! 🎂

  3. ...Happy Birthday! That is a wonderful group mallards, enjoy your weekend.

  4. I know what you mean! My blog means so much to me now and I treasure the friends I've made. I look forward to seeing the birds and critters every week! These ducks look like they have cold feet! lol

  5. Happy Blog Birthday! Wow, 13 years. I for one am so glad you are here. I love checking your blog every day.

  6. Gran reunión sobre la nieve.
    Buen fin de semana Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  7. Happy blogoversary, a very impressive accomplishment.

  8. Lovely ducks in groups. So cold it seems. And amazing achievement to post daily for 13 years!

  9. Hello :=)
    Happy 13th Blog Anniversary. I also feel that I have made some nice friends, and enjoy seeing what they get up to each week, so I know what you mean. Lovely scene with the large group of Mallards, and may you continue on your blog for another 13 years.
    All the best.

  10. Congratulations on your 13th blog birthday. I am happy you are still at it, and always enjoy seeing your photos. The ducks here are all happy too.

  11. Thirteen years is impressive. Well done. I've just noticed you have three hundred followers. I don't think many blogs have that number.

  12. Congratulation on making this mile stone. Occasional Toronto is always interesting. I LOOK FOWARD TO MANY MORE SMALL BITS OF TORONTO.

  13. Happy blog birthday, Pat.
    Wish you many more years of blogging.
    PS. I see the white stuff is still on the ground. I forget it’s only March :)

  14. look at all those "ducks" who came to celebrate!! what a beautiful, and the perfect picture for today!!

  15. Happy blog birthday and keep them coming including the ducks.

  16. That looks like a great conclave. Happy blog anniversary!

  17. Happy blog anniversary! What a great photo, love all the pretty ducks!
    Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, I am sorry I am late commenting, thank you of leaving me a comment.

  18. Happy blog birthday! All those Mallards takes me back to my childhood, feeding the mallards at Idlewild Park on our once a month visits. May you have many more blogging years to come.

  19. Ah, yes. I KNEW you had a thirteenth blogiversary sometime this spring. Congratulations! Sorry I have fallen off in visiting your blog. I always enjoyed my visits and seeing Toronto through your eyes. Hope you are well.
