Sunday, March 12, 2023

A Snowy Deck

 This was the scene last weekend as I looked out onto the roof deck. We got a load of snow on the Friday night and even Frank the plastic snowman was not amused at the amount of snow covering him. The temperature rose a lot and much of it disappeared by Monday but it was not a pretty sight by then with dirty snow piled along the roadways. I can't wait until spring.


  1. Wow, that is an amazing amount of snow.

  2. While I look forward to snow leaving, I don't look forward to the interval between snow and green.

  3. Looks pretty1 Frank the snowman might prefer the fake snow.
    Enjoy your day, have a great new week!

  4. Snow again.Its time it stops.

  5. Now that's a sweet little snowman!

  6. Frank has a great hat with all that snow. Snowmen should love snow, and fear spring. The figure in back just looks cold. We got more snow this weekend also, and I hope it melts soon.

  7. Yes, Spring, please! I think we´re on the way here with 48F :-)
