Saturday, March 11, 2023

The Angry Polesitter

A couple of weeks ago I showed you how the squirrels walk along the utility wires to reach safe places and that is the way these guys get onto my roof deck. I had just chased this one out of a planter where it was tossing dirt around looking for something. It took off along the wires to this pole and then sat there for a long time chattering away at me. 

Taking part in Saturday's Critters. Click HERE to see more creatures from around the world.


  1. Squirrels do think they rule the world!
    Have a great weekend!

  2. You put the squirrel in its place and he didn't care for it.

  3. What a rascal, they like to dig and chatter. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Take care, have a great weekend. PS, thank you for leaving me a comment.

  4. I had a squirrel visit me regularly to hide walnuts in my planters. I left him one with no plants where he could dig to his heart's content, but though it was the most accessible he simply wasn't interested.

  5. I like when they chatter away at me.

  6. Squirrels are such fun to watch. This little guy doesn't look angry, he looks happy to be in a secure place. Perhaps this squirrel's chattering is just his way of saying hello.

  7. I love that story in the accompanying photo! These are very exotic creatures to me

  8. Back in the mists of time, it seems to me that pole-sitting was an actual thing. By humans, I mean.

  9. they are too fun to watch!! it is a miracle they don't kill themselves with all of their antics!!

  10. He sure is pretty. I guess the fox squirrels I showed today are his country cousins! heehee!

  11. LOL, yes. They WANT!!!
    "Mine" just went dumb, though. There was snow and he/she did not find the walnuts...

  12. He was giving you a piece of his mind.

  13. Ha-ha :D
    They can be very angry!

  14. No snow here but also no food.

  15. Hello :=)
    Squirrels frequently tell me off. They are cheeky, intelligent, and wily, and provide a lot of entertainment when they are not destroying your property. I love to watch them. Thanks for sharing your photo and story. I also have one on my blog.
