Wednesday, May 24, 2023

A Cool Afternoon

I wandered through the U of T campus on a cool Mother's Day afternoon and was surprised to see people actually sitting out under the umbrellas near the chemistry building. This road was closed off to traffic years ago and is a popular gathering place during the week. Those signs on the wall of the building are old alchemy symbols which seems suitable for a chemistry building.

Taking part in Signs 2. Click HERE to see more signs from around the world. 


  1. Obviously it was not too cool for Canadians who always enjoy a sunny day. Good street shot.

  2. ...a popular spot on a warm day!

  3. That's a lovely place to enjoy some fresh air. I bet it fills up from time to time.

  4. A nice place to gather with your friends.

  5. I like that place. It would be lovely to meet you there for a couple of coffee, Pat

  6. How interesting these alchemy symbols are

  7. Same here, both, those symbols and people really so tough they already sit outside (I have to move, other it´s too cold for my liking).
    Monday, though, it was really hot here!

  8. The Chemistry building in Cambridge UK also has a sculpture featuring alchemy symbols. There always seem to be a small percentage of people who like to sit outside before it's really warm enough.

  9. Hello,
    People do enjoy sitting outside, even on the cooler days.
    Great captures of the signs. Take care, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead.
