Monday, July 24, 2023

Getting Higher

 I showed you the mural on the side of a pot shop a couple of weeks ago and since then they have had a mural painted on the other side of their building. I guess it is a good way to advertise themselves but it seems a bit surprising to me since these places have very strict regulations applied to them about window displays etc.


  1. I love what they’ve done although I doubt that it would draw me inside.

  2. It seems strange to me to see a mural like this that is clearly advertising the product. Usually they are a bit more subtle.

  3. Very colourful mural and good advertising.
    Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Pat.

  4. What a colorful mural that is suggestive of their product. I never believed pot would be legalized. Legalization was past by voters in our state, but our rightwing Governor found a way of eliminating that vote.

  5. Very colourful mural and clever advertising.

  6. Thanks for sharing this cute mural! Pat

  7. This mural gives you a nice taste of what you can expect.

  8. Our local "pot shop" is in a somewhat seedy part of town and has heavily armed guards outside it. That makes me feel more nervous than I would entering "Dolly's Cannabis".

  9. Sure councils or local governments want to chip in some extra profits. Beautiful mural it is.

  10. Hello,
    It is a colorful mural! Take care, have a happy day!

  11. Me encanta ver estas fachada scon preciosos murales Pat.
    Un abrazo.

  12. It is colorful art, but questionable. I'm not a fan of making weed and its derivatives so available. I wonder if, when medical folks look back on this in fifty years, it will have been judged a massive error.

  13. Love your title and this place does stand out!
