Thursday, February 1, 2024

February Theme: Street Corner

 The February theme for the City Daily Photo Blog community is Street Corner and for this theme I chose a shot of one of the corner stores that are found all over the city. They are great places for getting fresh veggies and fruit and become part of their communities. This one is located on Bloor St W in Koreatown. Taken in September when the weather was a lot nicer than today.

Taking part in the theme Street Corner. Click HERE to see more street corners from around the world.


  1. That is a nice building. It would fit into many New England cities and towns.

  2. You have perfectly captured the theme for today. That is a lively street corner.

  3. I haven't seen a corner market like that in ages. It's good to know they still exist.

  4. It is a colorful and lively street corner.
    Take care, have a great day!

  5. You captured the energy of the street

  6. That is such a great inner urban photo. I would feel very relaxed in such an area.

  7. I'm pretty sure I've seen this store.

  8. Great photo!
    Perfect for the street corner theme
