Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Annex Beauty

I haven't shown any of the wonderful houses from the Annex for awhile and this one I have been trying to catch all summer but there was too much shrubbery in the way. Now with all our leaves gone I was able to get a shot on Mon. This meticulously restored mansion was built in 1897 and designed by architect Frederick H. Herbert. It is quite large but doesn't seem to have been divided into flats as many of the other large homes in the Annex have been. Love it!


  1. Nice, it reminds me of a place on Bedford I stayed at when I would come there for the shows.Thanks

  2. Beautiful house, I like to see old houses so preserved.
    I'd love to take a look inside! ;-)

  3. How my wife would love to live in that house! We both love Toronto, it's such a great city. It's an engrossing image.

  4. I love, love old houses like that with turrets and all the character! But having lived in an old house previously, I know about the fix-up projects, too...

  5. It's a handsome building. It's great that it's still in such great condition.

  6. At first glance i thought it looked spooky :)
    Now the more i look at it, the more i seem to like it :)
    Sometimes you need to have patience, to take your best shot :)
