Thursday, December 2, 2010

Winter Knocking at the Door

Today it is only 0C and grey - the first day it really feels like winter to me even with no snow! Last week on a sunny day I got a shot of this great red Harley (I'm always a sucker for anything red!) - we won't be seeing too many of them now until spring. A few brave souls ride motorcycles here in winter if the roads are clear but not usually these big bikes.


  1. Wow, it's cold!
    The symbolism of the colour red has many (good) meanings: beauty, energy, strength, power, passion, luck... ;-)
    Nice shot with a beautiful shadow on the garage door!

  2. My eye is drawn to red too. The motorcycle is cool and so are your red shoes.

  3. I'm drawn to ed too. Today really DOES feel cold. Hello winter.

  4. That is a great looking bike. Nice shot! Stay warm!

  5. Cool bike. Haven't seen one for a while in my area!
