Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Canadian Bank of Commerce Building

While wandering around Commerce Court I entered the north building which was the original Bank of Commerce building on the site. I had never entered it before and was awestruck by the immense vaulted Main Banking Hall with its ornate carvings and these incredible light fixtures. Apparently when the building was constructed in 1930 this hall was modelled after Rome's Baths of Caracella. Who knew! The words around the ceiling medallion are Integrity, Prudence, Industry, Commerce - quite suitable. I have to go back and see if I am allowed to wander about more in this building.


  1. Wow, very beautiful work, wonderful colours, shapes, details... Quite impressive!
    Nice shot RedPat! ;-)

  2. It's beautiful! A great find and you did a wonderful job capturing it. Thanks.

    Happy Tuesday.

  3. That's an amazing ceiling! Great shot! Hopefully you can go back and get some more photos from other parts of the building.

  4. Very nice - they built banks to impress in the old days!

  5. Gorgeous ceiling and perfect composition!

  6. The ceiling is gorgeous and the light fixture very impressive. I hope you are able to explore some more in here.

  7. That's a very impressive interior. Hmmm. Built just after the stock market crash? Looks like this bank wasn't affected much by the depression.

    Yes, do try to get more photos. :)

  8. Fancy interior. I love the color.

  9. They really did try to make banks look impressive, safe, reliable, and with this one they did a fine job!
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  10. What a sight. It is a fascinating ceiling. I guess in those days banks felt they needed to create imposing spaces to assure the bank customers that the bank was substantial and could be trusted. Today we would worry about grand architecture being wasteful spending.

  11. Old banks, with old money, were indeed glamorous!

  12. Amazing capture, repeating shapes and dramatic color!
