Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Sun Shower?

In late 2009, 100 solar collector panels were installed on the roof of the Athletic Centre at U of Toronto - one of the largest such projects in this area. The panels provide about 25% of the heat for the showers and laundry facilities during the peak summer months and are just part of the attempt to 'green' the centre. I found their sign rather eye-catching!
Taking part in Signs, Signs. For more signs click here.


  1. This type of project is so important, I don't understand why we are so far behind here...
    Great initiative, I like the sign and "U of T Goes Solar" is a great slogan. ;-0

  2. Like the arrow pointing up. :) Kudos to U of T!

  3. my first thought was, what an odd place for an outdoor solar heated shower...

  4. A nice angle on a nice sign that points out the solar panels and use of solar energy.

  5. the sign made me grin.:p
    how i wish our gov't would invest more in solar energy. it's what we badly need.

  6. Great idea...way to go U of T...super pick for this week's sign! Solar panels are just not that popular a choice here in rainy Vancouver...:)

  7. Wonderful!
    My parents had solar panels for their fluorescent lights at their winter home in Mexico more than 20 years ago, probably closer to 30. But their shower was also solar-powered. The water (which had to be delivered by truck) was stored in a big tank above roof-level, warmed by the sun, and gravity-fed. The shower had an outdoor entrance and was big enough for two or three adults or a whole herd of children returning from the beach.
    — K

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

  8. Cool power is the wave of the future!

  9. Without your explanation, I would never have thought tis had to do with the showers and laundry. A very clever sign. Glad you decided to post it. Genie

  10. Excellent use of the roof space!

  11. very laudable. i hope more unis would follow suit

  12. solar panels and rooftop gardens - we need more of them!

  13. So for the cost of the sign, they might have afforded another panel and saved even more!

  14. Wish I could warm my bath this eco friendly way. Go Toronto!

  15. I like the sign and you answered the question in my mind, how much can they heat in the winter. Not much.
    Our solar cells generate as much as we use half the year but fall short November-April.

  16. So is the line for cold showers on the other side of the building? Ha ha!

  17. Powered by the sun, I love it.

  18. You have a great eye for details. Thanks for posting this topic on solar energy panels. And hats off to U of T for this initiative.

    I am now linked to follow your blog.
    Cheers from Montreal. :)
