Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hazy Harbour

It is 35˚C (95˚F) and very humid here today so it seemed like a good idea to head downtown to the harbour for brunch, but.... there was a 1 hour wait for food at the wonderful patio restaurant with this view, so it was back home for a home-made feast! This shot is of the east end of the harbour with a view of the Toronto Islands (in the background) which separate the harbour from Lake Ontario. The islands are mostly parkland although 2 of them still have really neat old homes that have been saved from expropriation. It is a short ferry ride out to the islands and it is a real escape from the bustle of the city - no cars or traffic at all! Click on the 'islands' label below for more info.
This is my 500th post - who would have thought!!


  1. Wow 500th post, that's great, congratulations RedPat!
    This is the first time I see a shot of the Toronto Islands (I like the ones you took before too), what a beautiful place!
    Enjoy sour summer! :)

  2. I've never been to this area of your fair city. Must make it a destination on next visit. Beautifully capture!

    Congrats RedPat for this achievement. Hope to write you for your 1000th!

  3. It's a wonderful view! Congratulations on the 500 mark!

  4. congratulations of 500 posts!

    I was almost ready to head to the islands for some Indian festival, but decided even if it would be cooler there, it was too hot to get there!

  5. Such beautiful blue water. Congrats on your 500th, celebrate!

  6. 35º! I wish - we're having a poor summer here on the west coast, though 35º really is a tad more than I'd like it to be.
    Nice shot BTW - the only thing it's missing is some mountains in the background! Whenever I go back to Ontario it always seems so flat.

  7. Supposed to be 36C here tomorrow. I know why you didn't want to wait an hour in heat and humidity!
    I've always been vaguely aware of the existence of the Toronto islands but never knew anything about them. I'd like to see the one with the heritage houses.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  8. Yes, it was really hot today in Toronto:) But your photo shows to me summer, life and happiness.

  9. It looks like a good place to sit for a while. On a hot day, it usually feels a bit better near the water.

  10. Comgrats on your 500th post!! Way to celebrate...with a delightfully calm and peaceful photo.

  11. Congratulations Red, that is fantastic, 500 amazing posts well done!! You can almost see the heat haze coming off this image, looks so relaxed, typical summers day!

  12. Ya, in the heat ya got to get out and about. We had 94 too but with a nice afternoon breeze.

  13. thanks red pat for 500 great and informative pics. keep it up

  14. Congratulations on your 500th and what a lovely sight it is.

  15. 500?! That's quite the achievement. Well done. Your "island" posts are lovely, I particularly like the Toronto skyline shot.

  16. That's very warm indeed. Congrats to 500 posts. It's always fun to see all the art you show us.
