Saturday, July 16, 2011

Shaw St Mural

Time for another mural - this one on the side of a building on Bloor St near Christie Pits Park which is what the tree is making reference to, I think. I have been unable to find the artist's name and it doesn't seem to be signed at all. I like the colours in this one!


  1. I love your mural shots, this one is so beautiful, I like the colours and the feeling of movement too! ;-)

  2. I like this one too! I love the way the tree spreads out across the building.

  3. A bit like a tree in winter bathed in the golden light at days' end and a purple sky...I like it too!

  4. This is a lively and lovely shot, Redpat. The artist used great colors.

    Thanks for your comment today. I wandered the riverfront for about three hours and was nearly done when I saw the boats coming. I went back under the bridge and only had to wait for about five minutes before they arrived. Good fortune.

  5. I love murals and this is a lovely one. Wonder why the artist didn't sign it? I sure would want to.

  6. RedPat I have come to just love the murals and art in

  7. Every time I've been by this place, I've not had the camera with me. You've captured it beautifully here - great shot!

  8. Oooh! Agree with you RedPat. Very unique coloring. And no writing!

  9. I agree with LĂșcia's comment. There is a feeling of movement in this painting. I almost want to say it shouldn't be called a mural, it is so much a part of the building. Gorgeous!

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  10. It's a bright and memorable mural. I think that cities should commission many murals since they always brighten up the environment.

  11. I love this one too Red, the colours work so well together, really makes something special out of an ordinary wall.

  12. Almost looks like a reverse reflection... I thought sun.

  13. Great colours, very eye-catching.

  14. wow, really nice. I like the colors, too, that the artist used some that were just a darker shade of the background color.

  15. I really love this mural. I am just a sucker for trees I guess.
