Friday, July 15, 2011

Queen Street Bridge

This old truss bridge on Queen St East carries the street over the Don River and was constructed in 1911. In 1995 this art piece, "Time: And A Clock", by Toronto artist Eldon Garnet was installed at the west end of the bridge. With its 5 ft diameter clock and 18" stainless letters which read out as "This river I step in is not the river I stand in" it is meant to be a study of time and all its meanings. And 1 of our famous red streetcars gladly posed for me!
I have featured some of Garnet's work before - see 1 of the 3 pieces at police headquarters here.


  1. It's the first time I see an art piece designed for a bridge, fantastic!
    Love this shot, with the red street car! ;-)

  2. Great arches and clock. I wonder how long you waited for a streetcar to come by . . .

  3. Perfect! The streetcar did indeed come along at the right time.

  4. I agree, the bridge is nice in it's own right, but the streetcar made your picture.

  5. Beautiful photo. I love the bright red of the streetcar against the green of the bridge.

    —Kay, Alberta, Canada

  6. Cool. And you got a streetcar in the shot, too!

  7. Wonderful! It is the nice angle.

  8. Now that is an interesting looking bridge.

  9. The simple clean lines of the arch design and the open font are appropriate here. Very nice pic RedPat.

  10. This is a great bridge added to by the streetcar.

  11. Nice touch to iron bridgeworks. It add a lot.

  12. Id like to invite everyone to read a blog post today of a woman who joined the old order Mennonite church from the outside. I'm extremely lucky in publishing her very first, and most likely last post on Amish Stories. A lot of work was involved in her getting permission to be even able to write anything on the internet, and permission was given by her bishop. So please stop by and read about a woman who gave-up her car and other worldly possessions for the person that she loved. Richard from Amish Stories

  13. Id like to invite everyone to read a blog post today of a woman who joined the old order Mennonite church from the outside. I'm extremely lucky in publishing her very first, and most likely last post on Amish Stories. A lot of work was involved in her getting permission to be even able to write anything on the internet, and permission was given by her bishop. So please stop by and read about a woman who gave-up her car and other worldly possessions for the person that she loved. Richard from Amish Stories

  14. Now that is one ornate bridge Red, it looks pretty unique, nice flash of red from the streetcar.

  15. What an elegant bridge and perfect sculpture...the quote is thought-provoking, just as art is supposed to be.
