Sunday, November 13, 2011

Another Uno Prii 60s Delight

In total contrast to yesterday's building, a short block south brings you to this wonderful example of 60s architecture as designed by Uno Prii whose work I have shown several times. This one was completed in 1965. Click on my Prii label below to see some more of the 250 apartment buildings he designed mostly in Toronto and especially in the Annex neighbourhood. I love his futuristic take on modernist architecture and it is so startling to see it here on Avenue Rd in the midst of all the Deco and Tudor-inspired apartments!


  1. Despite the beautiful style, it has a great balcony! ;-)

  2. A great contrast indeed and I love both.

  3. As much as I love the building below, I do love that Uno Prii always had balconies on his buildings. I have been on a search to photograph them all. It is going slowly.

  4. When we see buildings like this, the word "sixties!" comes fast to mind.

  5. My first thought was it has an oriental touch...must be the canopy above the entrance. The building is quite attractive. I like the windows and doors at the first level and the terraces...every apartment needs an open air terrace!

  6. I remember 1965. This is certainly one of the nicer designs of that era. The better the architect, the longer the building will remain "in fashion" obviously!

    Kay, Alberta, Canada
    An Unfittie’s Guide to Adventurous Travel

  7. I did check your other posts of Prii's buildings, the man has the touch doesn't he. Quite nice buildings all.

  8. Boy it really does look like the 60's. I love it.

  9. Hi Pat, Wow,that's a lot of buildings to design, I'm away on a secret mission, coming back soon with lots of photos ,,,M

  10. Even though it looks like the 60s and therefore dated, I think it's quite attractive.

  11. I have to admit, I like yesterday's building better. But this one has its charm too. :)
