Monday, November 14, 2011

Woodlawn White

In a neighbourhood of mostly traditional brick houses, this white semi-detached modern place really catches the eye! For sale at just under $2.4 million (!!) I don't think I will be moving in but this time I have found interior shots for you here. My question after viewing these pics (especially the kitchen) is "where is all their stuff?"


  1. It was cool to see the inside shots too, everytime I see photos of a very neat place, it doesn't look real for me. But it'a beautiful house.
    It's a pity I don't have $2.4 million. ;-)

  2. Sometimes I think our world has gone insane! Where do people get the money to buy something like this? And why would they buy it even if they had the money?

    It's very interesting and fun to look at but impresses me as being all sharp angels and boring and cold. I might pay 100K but no more! :-)

  3. I seriously need to win the lottery!!
    Stylish, but too much money....:(

  4. I think very nice to visit...but I'm not sure I'd want to live there. Not to worry, as there is no way I could afford it anyway. :)

  5. This reminds me of the old joke about the elephant.

    "I wish I had the money to buy an elephant."

    "Why do you want an elephant?"

    "I don't. I just want to have enough money to buy an elephant."

    I wish I had the money to buy this house . . .

  6. I'm with Jack, I wish I had the money to buy this house. I wouldn't buy it but, I'd really like to have the money. Good question about the "stuff".

  7. Interesting design. Not sure I would want to climb stairs everyday.

  8. This has been such a really wonderful series of architectural styles. Great education I must say, thank you for giving us all such a great education about the amazingly different architecture in you town.

  9. RedPat, I wish I had the money to buy this house too. Great to catch up with your recent posts. I love that arch. Since you showed us the inside of this modern home, I am curious about the inside of the Balmoral Apts, I would hope for the same charm as the outside displays.

  10. It is a bit sterile looking for my taste. At there looks to be lots of storage in the kitchen - but then I would forget what i owned if it was all hidden away.

  11. I knew the interiors would be great the second I looked at the building.
