Monday, January 16, 2012

Annex Infill

Although I am a fan of modern architecture, I am always impressed by this wonderful building (with the blue trim and which looks like 2 units) in the Annex which I think replaced a pair of large semi-detached homes. Constructed about 10 years ago, it is a condo containing 4 large units and even solves the usual Annex parking problem by including parking through that large arch. I like the way they have picked up the features of a typical Annex house and blended with the neighbourhood. And yes the homes in the Annex are all that close together!


  1. I like this building too, it has a cozy style! ;-)

  2. I am usually at the opposite end from you. Most of the time I dislike severely modern architecture that stands out too much from its neighborhood and like I architecture that tries to blend into its neighborhood (so long as it isn't too cutesy). This one looks great. I didn't know what you meant by the Annex, so I clicked on your label and saw some examples. It looks like this building took its inspiration from the York Club.

  3. It's a beautiful brick building!

  4. That is lovely but a little too big for me.

  5. At first glance I actually thought it was conjoined to the building at it's left, so apparently they're really close, and blend in nicely. As condos go, it's a well-done building.

  6. I'd say the four units are fairly good size. It's an impressive building and has a warm, homey feel to it. I'd guess it is quite elegant inside and with parking included, it would be a nice place to live!

  7. Those do look like the four units would be quite large. Are there many condos in the Annex, others you've showed seem to be single family dwellings and beautiful homes at that.

  8. This does blend in well with the neighbourhood. Now if only it had balconies, I might be interested in one of those condos!

  9. Lovely old building. I quite comfortably live in the whole of it. I think it might just manage to fit all of my books!

  10. Looks good Red and the fact there won't be a problem finding parking is a huge bonus, street parking would be a real pain!

  11. Nice infill project, looks like they actually cared about the character of the neighborhood.

  12. I think it's a good use of space in Toronto where land prices are very high.
