Tuesday, January 17, 2012

This Little Piggy ....

The residents of the Annex have a very eclectic style of landscaping and decorating their homes but one of the oddest things to be found in a front yard is this stone pig who has been in place as long as I can remember. I have never seen anyone coming or going from the house so I have no idea what his story is. A farmer who moved to town and missed his animals? Any ideas?


  1. It's certainly different to having a garden gnome!

  2. No..but i am intrigued now!

  3. I have no idea... I wouldn't choose a stone big for my front yard, but I wouldn't remove it either. Didn't you smile when you saw him?! ;-)

  4. He is rather cute, perhaps the owner collects pot pigs rather like some people collect all sorts of owls and cats.

  5. I don't know the story either, but isn't it kind of funny?

  6. A true pork lover! He likes to eat and thus makes a hog of himself!

    A very strange "decoration."

  7. Pigs are amongst the most intelligent of farm animals. Many people have them as pets now, especially the miniature or "pygmy" breed of pigs.
    Maybe this is a memorial to a beloved pet, that has departed to pig heaven?

  8. At least he doesn't have to fear becoming bacon.

  9. I was thinking along the same lines as Nick, pigs were and maybe still are pretty popular as pets, doesn't George Clooney have one. So maybe this is a tribute to a porky pal!

  10. You have just reminded me of a house I found some time ago with Snow White and the 7 Dwarfs on the front yard. It's beyond kitsch, actually it's the the tackiest thing I've seen, but I think it deserves a photo! LOL!

  11. I can't imagine why this little piggy is living here. I think your former farmer idea is a possibility.

  12. I have no idea, but he's pretty cute!

  13. Dunno, but it sure is a conversation piece. :)

  14. I like it... he could come live in my front yard anytime!

  15. I have that same little creature in my back yard. I just liked him, and it was just different enough to be a cliche garden ornament, and yet not cliche.
