Friday, January 13, 2012

Parkdale Bike Stands 1

I have been out searching for more of the cool bike stands and finally found another collection of them on Queen St West in Parkdale. This is the furthest west part of Queen St and one of the rougher parts of town (and most colourful) but still fun to walk around in since there are little boutiques, restaurants, bars, etc popping up here. The same artist, Phil Sarazen, who did the ROM stands is involved in these ones although this time the designs were created from drawings done by the members of the art group of the "Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre" which is a drop-in for psychiatric survivors and street people. More to come!


  1. Isn't it amazing to find these artistic bike stands when you are walking around Toronto?
    I'd love to see them in Sao Paulo too! ;-)

  2. Great idea and a magnificent piece of street art!

  3. Has to be one of the coolest bike stands ever.

  4. This is great! Wish we had something as imaginative in York.

  5. I like the creativity shown in these. The old post and ring are getting a little boring!

  6. Very cool! This is going to be fun to see more!

  7. I really like this one! I would make a good one for the front of an eyeglass store.

  8. Kudos to the artsy folks at the Parkdale Activity Recreation Centre! And to Mr. Sarazen. These bike stands are a credit to all involved! I guess kudos are also in order to the city officials who made them possible in the first place.

  9. I love it and love the concept. The glasses and bike must mean something special to the person who did the design. I wear glasses and I bike. Hmmm . . .
