Friday, February 3, 2012

Parkdale Bike Stands 7

I find this mask bike stand to be one of the most striking of all of them - so graphic and strong! This bike has been there every time that I have gone past and I think it must be one of the ones that some odd people park around the city and abandon - they seem to come back and check that the bikes are still there and get quite upset if the city removes them - very weird fixation! Does that happen in your city?


  1. They are ever so cool :)

  2. yet another bike stand, yet another corker... they have locked the bike though his mouth, makes him look as if he has got a lip piercing.... How many more can there possibly be ????

  3. how cool, all those bike stands!!
    defenitely bikes are abanoned perhaps daily in the netherlands...
    the bike parking area where i used to work had at least 10 bikes that were standing there permanently. at one point we cut the lock of one that was there for over a year and looked so good, although it was getting bad from doing nothing. fixed it, and rode it everywhere... :)

  4. Love these. It does have the look of a bike one wouldn't mind abandoning, but still, maybe an employee in the area? Bikes don't get abandoned around here, however, it is not unusual to see the one piece that was locked still in the lock attached to the tree while the rest was used for parts by scavengers. Weird

  5. Hah! This is one of my favorites, Redpat.

  6. I like this one. We have a new program starting up in KC called bike share, perhaps that is what is going on here. This bike is available to be shared.

  7. I think Toronto is the only place where people abandon their bikes and come back later to see if they are still there!
    Cool mask! :)

  8. I wonder how many of these are around. You should make a book of them.

  9. I didn't know about that strange fixation. Very odd!

  10. I'm thinking of one. In the city proper been covered with snow for months now. Strange for sure. Forgotten? I'd say.

  11. Interesting looking! It looks like it's going to take a bite out of this bike.

  12. I like this one too! Almost looks like an owl.

  13. It does look a bit 'owlish', it seems a little cheeky to me to use one of these as your own personal bike stand and then get upset if it gets taken away! Park your bike at home matey!! Nice find Red.
