Saturday, February 4, 2012

Parkdale Bike Stands 8

Another example of abandoned bikes is this one locked to a bike stand which is out in front of an antique lighting store in the antiquey far-west area of Parkdale. A few years ago someone locked 2 bikes to a stand in front of my place so that no one could use the stand and he would come by and to check them every once in a while. The city eventually (after several months) cut the locks and removed them after leaving a note for the owner giving notice of removal - the fellow went ballistic when he next came by to check! It's too bad this bike stand is so obscured as it is an especially nice one!


  1. What a funny story! Perhaps the guy didn't have room in his house for his bikes so figured he could just leave them locked in the stand.

    And if someone no longer wants a bike, why not give it to Goodwill or some agency that could fix it up and make it useable again?

  2. People do do some strange things! But what would we have to talk about if they didn't! :D

  3. Don't the bikes get rusted sitting outside for that length of time. This bike stand is quite nice, I really like it.

  4. That's going to be rather a snowy saddle to sit on!

  5. I like Lowell's explanation, kinda makes sense. This one looks like a candelabra just waiting for candles.

  6. All the bike stands you show us are to cool to be bike stands, and I do prefer them without any bike parked. ;-)

  7. Yup that is definitely too cheeky!! I agree with LPE this one looks like a candelabra.

  8. Hey, if I was a 'lost' bike I'd want to hang here too. Nice RACK! hahahaha

  9. I wonder what happened to the owner.

  10. Nice one - too bad about the abandoned bike...

  11. I agree with lowell, if someone is checking on them, then they aren't quite abandoned. Maybe there should be a 1 day time parking limit or some type of limit that fits the situation.
