Sunday, April 8, 2012

Spring In Toronto

This was the view on Friday from the top of the stairs leading to Casa Loma (110 of them) looking south down Spadina Rd towards downtown and Lake Ontario and the ever-present CN Tower which is visible from all over the city. Blossoms are popping open everywhere and the bees were happily buzzing around all the flowers on this tree.
Have a Happy Easter if you celebrate it!


  1. Yes, itwould be hard to get lost in Toronto - just look for the tower!

  2. What a gorgeous photo! Beautifully composed!

    Lois Anne gave up racing partly because of a torn meniscus which won't let her run very far or fast anymore. She won (in her age group) lots of races over the years and didn't start running until she was in her late 50s. I'm rather proud of her. She's run the NYC and Disney Marathons, a number of half-marathons but most races were 5K's. In fact, I believe she still holds the Florida record for her age group in the 10K. (I can't remember for sure what race it was. :-))

    She just loves to run. So now she runs for fun.

    Maybe you were in some of the same races she was? That would be funny!

  3. My poor knees don't like stairs...
    But I'm glad to see this beautiful view through your eyes. :)
    Happy Easter for you and your family RedPat.

  4. Nice view of spring in Toronto, Happy Easter to you too RedPat.

  5. Now that is a fantastic view and that flowering tree makes it even better.

  6. Wonderful to see those spring blossoms ... A delightful capture.

    "Adelaide ans Beyond"

  7. Nicely composed Pat. It's so great seeing the blossom trees in your part of the world, it'll be a while before we see them here in Perth. I'm glad you had a good Easter break, it definitely sounds like you ate more chocolate than moi!

  8. The CN Tower is spectacular!

  9. Looks so pretty! It's not that nice here in EG yet, but I was visiting Upstate New York over the weekend where it looked like this. Hmmm. I didn't need to travel quite so far to see the blossoms...but did to see family.

  10. Lovely composition in this shot, Pat! Great to see Spring is finally arriving in your part of the world.

  11. A beautiful scene. There isn't a bloom to be seen in my yard! I guess it didn't rain much while I was away.

  12. Beautiful blossoms and a great shot of the iconic CN Tower!
