Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Give Me Light!

I had recently read an article about a 1930s house in the city that had been extensively renovated and modernized and on Saturday it turned up in the real estate pages of the newspaper announcing an open house and sale price of $1.1 million so of course I turned up for the open house. From the outside the house looked the same as ever although the windows were new, but the inside was totally redone and very modern. I took this shot on the upstairs landing looking down the hall and through the master bedroom. I really love these lights with their long cords strung about on wires but I couldn't help thinking about the electricity meter clicking away as the light shone!


  1. Interesting looking house, well done for gaining a look inside. Not sure about the lights though I want to tidy up all those wires!

  2. Hmmmm, sounds a bit pricey. All I can think of looking at those cords is what a wonderful place for spiders to spin webs... :-)

  3. To an electrician - even if I am retired - that just looks like a sloppy wiring job!

  4. Leaves me going hmmmm? I like the lights, I just don't know if I consider them to be appropriate for a residential setting. The hall railings are rather amazing too.

  5. I'm with you on electric meter, maybe they only light them for special occasions. I like them and find them funky.

  6. Light bulbs don't actually use very much electricity. :) I'm not sure I care for these lights though. I prefer mine with a shade. :)
    Looks like a great house though!!!

  7. Looks like it needs a bit more electrical work. hahahaha

  8. It is very interesting for an art gallery or an office, and I don't think it would work in another colour. ;-)

  9. A little out of my price range.

  10. Have they improved it? I think I might have prefered the pre-renovation look

  11. They have clearly gone for a contemporary look!

  12. Cool! But yeah $$$. We too enjoy open houses once in a while ..

  13. And I'm thinking that dusting all those wires doesn't sound like a ton of fun.

  14. Isn't it amazing how often things like that happen Pat, you think about or talk about something and sometimes it just appears! A very modern look to this house now, wonder if they'll get the asking price!

  15. I would have been first in line for this home tour as well. Creative use of the lights but afraid it is not to my taste. To modern for me.
