Monday, May 7, 2012

Tom & Jerry Off Queen St West

Tom & Jerry cartoons were among my favourites while growing up so I was pleased to discover this mural of the 2 of them along the famous graffiti alley off Queen St West. The mural was painted by the artist known as Smug on the back of a cheese store which seems quite appropriate for this one!
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. Oh my! Tom & Jerry - now that does take one back! Great find Red!

  2. i just love the fact that this mural is on the back of a cheese store. a great collaboration between the shop owner and the artist. good find red pat, thanks

  3. This is hilarious. Love the connection to the cheese shop. And the fact that Jerry continues to get the best of Tom. There is so much creative energy in mural and street art. Thank you for contributing to this week's Monday Mural, Pat.

  4. Awesome capture!
    Nice to see that bit of the grey vehicle..

  5. This mural made me smile. They were part of my childhood too! :)

  6. Count in as have these two guys as one my favourite cartoon characters. The mural also gave me a big smile on face.

  7. So, they are still up to their old tricks, I see?!

  8. I think everyone loves Tom and Jerry! Neat find!

  9. Looks like Jerry got away with the cheese, nice find RedPat.

  10. Hysterical, they were always one of my favorites too. Love this and knowing it is on the back of a cheese shop makes it even more adorable.

  11. Now that is really cute. I love Tom & Jerry!

  12. That's a big slice of cheese! This is so cool!

  13. Fantastic, can't beat Tom & Jerry!

  14. This is cute graffiti at least! :)

  15. Cute mural; doubly so for a cheese shop. I see a lot of licensed cartoon characters on kindergarten (outside) walls and fences here in China... and have wondered about the IPR violation; not that I can see anyone bothering to come over to ask for removal.

  16. Now that is what all graffiti should be like. Banksy in the UK has nothing on this.

  17. So cute! I remember these being some of my favourite cartoons.

  18. You have some great murals on your blog. This one is so entertaining and colorful.

  19. You have some great murals on your blog. This one is so entertaining and colorful.

  20. Haha - that's some badass graffiti artist that drew that one:-)
