Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Graduate House O

I was waiting to turn left when I took this shot early in April showing part of Graduate House, a residence for graduate students at U of Toronto, constructed in 2000. Designed by architect Thom Mayne of the California firm Morphosis , the building has been controversial since even before its groundbreaking with much of the surrounding residential neighbourhood firmly against the design. It was the cantilevered sign with the hanging O that caused most of the negative reactions although many dislike the darkness of the structure. The O is the last letter in a ceramic-frit sign on the glass which spells out University of Toronto but to my mind the rest of the sign is too pale and all you notice is the O. I'm amazed no one has remedied this and it drives me crazy every time I go by!
Enlarge to see it better.


  1. I agree the building is too dark, and if you hadn't said, I probably wouldn't have noted the "Toront". So the building doesn't work for me - sorry Thom!

  2. I think the architects could have done better. Just saying.

  3. I dunno. I think I'd have to see it in person although at first glance I thought the building was unfinished but then I read it was completed in 2000.

    At least it gives people something to talk about that doesn't involve life or death or taxes or politics or religion. :-)

  4. I don't think the structure is too dark, I kind of like it, but that "O" was a terrible idea... :(

  5. That is not that much of a change. I am surprised there was any controversy.

    Hello from Brookville, Ohio, home of Abraham Lincoln. Yes, the one related to President Lincoln. You can see his hometown blog at this link: Brookville Daily Photo

  6. Good idea but the sign doesn't work in practice, like you I am suprised it has not been re-done.

  7. Ahhh - I finally get to see your Morphosis building, one thing you can say about their firm is they leave controversy in their wake wherever they go.

  8. the building is in the 'brutalist' style and boy does it ever fit that style. sometimes when i drive by it i like it and sometimes it does feel rather dark. still, it is done in a definitive style. thanks for the 'o' red pat. love your take on the city's art and architecture.

  9. You don't realize how silly it looks until you view the large size photo.

  10. I viewed large and never would have put the O in Toronto had you not said something. It is nice there is graduate student housing, I don't think that is so common in the US.

  11. You really do have to enlarge to see the rest of the sign, but as Lowell says, it gives people something to talk about, I don't love it but I don't hate it either. Interesting post Pat.

  12. I see what you mean. That "O" just hangs there as though all by itself.

  13. The O does look out of place and quite precarious!

  14. Hmmmm, it is not my favourite sort of architecture on first sight, but such buildings have a habit of growing on you after a while. I agree about the illegibility of the sign.
