Monday, April 30, 2012

Horsing Around On Queen St West

Another mural from graffiti lane off Queen St West, this one showcases a lot of talent from this artist whose signature I could not decipher. The horses are very well done. It's to bad that someone with a skull stencil has decided to add their tag to the right-hand side of the piece. I've seen this skull on top of a lot of other pieces too!
Taking part in Monday Murals. For more murals click here.


  1. Unfortunately, there are a lot of morons in the world who seem to exist for no other reason than to cause trouble.

    I agree about the horses and the mural has a light and airy's a feel-good mural!

  2. Great mural by a talented artist. Wonder what they think about the skull?

  3. well, at least the skull is artistically placed, kind of like a tattoo.

  4. I really like this one!
    and so timely with the racetrack issue and the poor horses possibly losing their jobs.

  5. The horses are well done - I was reminded of the Trojan Horse pictures from the Classics.

    And as for those #$@! taggers .... I'll leave that unsaid.

  6. I didn't notice the skull until I read about it. THis is a nice mural with lots of great color!

  7. It's very sad that someone did not respect the artist's work. I agree that the mural was well done.

  8. i don't know why the word psychedelic came to mind when i saw this mural. i think it's pretty groovy.

  9. Veyr good mural. A curious mix of the horses and the wine casks. Days of wine and horses?
    Taggers should be caught and got to lick their tags off walls they deface.

  10. Interesting mural. Graffiti lane must be a magnet for these artist.

  11. The horses are lovely, I hate when untalented vandals try to ruin beautiful works like this.

  12. This is an excellent mural, I did notice the skull immediately. It is out of place.

  13. Horses are gorgeous, interesting color scheme as well. Funny, if you have seen that same tagger, I am surprised he hasn't' been caught and chastised by muralists, sad.

  14. I'm impressed by the swirl of movement of the horses. A Russian artist in the deco era did something like this too. And I like the lines that complement the grills he had to incorporate into the composition. The wine barrels are a puzzle to me, but who cares. Nice one Pat. Thanks for participating in Monday Mural.

  15. I really like the color palette. Very nice

  16. The horses do give a great impression of movement, it's a very 'flowing' mural.

  17. I agree, the horses are fantastic!

  18. Fantastic mural Pat, let's hope that the tagger doesn't come back and do any more damage to this piece!
