Saturday, June 9, 2012


This is my last pic from the Native Child and Family Services of Toronto building but I couldn't leave without showing you the wonderful graphic bunny/hare. This is one of the larger graphic animals found in the hallway with the bunny spreading across 3 of the glass panels and I love his paw prints but don't you think that they are backward?


  1. If I was a kid, I'd love to play with this bunny. ;-)

  2. He is great, looks like he hopped one way then leaped back the other in one giant bounce!

  3. I like this regardless of the direction of foot prints.

  4. First of all, re your question: I had to pause to think about the paws and then realized I had no clue! Love the bunny because it appears that someone did that with a finger on a wet and frosty window!

  5. Naught says those are his paw prints Red. Or he's doing the return trip. Though you're right, the big ones are the back legs.

  6. Great bunny. I can't help you with the paw prints.

  7. Hi Red Pat, Backwards or forwards? Who knows - maybe it's leading Alice through the looking glass! Have a good week!

  8. That's the whimsy of it Pat, was he coming or going haha!

  9. Love this bunny for all the reasons that people have mentioned, I have to agree with Lowell, I had no idea if the paws were right or wrong glad that Paul cleared it up.

  10. Very whimsical. Just perfect for a place that gets lots of children.

  11. Nice one! I thought the footprints were of Mrs Bunny in high heels :-)
