Sunday, June 10, 2012

Sunday Morning Walk

It is hot and sticky here today so it seemed like a good time to go for a walk in the Forest Hill neighourhood of central Toronto. It is one of the most affluent areas of the city and also one of the prettiest with wonderful tree-lined streets and gorgeous gardens. When passing by the entrance of this grand estate I couldn't help thinking how lovely it would be to drop in for a splash of lemonade but I settled for a pic instead. Beautiful isn't it?


  1. You know how I love gardens, don't you?! ;-)

  2. it would be lovely to be driven up to this front door (by the chauffeur)

  3. Classic elegance; a stately mansion! I would not dare to ask what such a place would cost in Toronto! Home prices in the city of
    Toronto are unbelievable!

    Thanks for your comment, Pat. You are very perceptive and noted exactly how I'd composed that picture and what my intent was. That doesn't happen very often! Kudos to you!

  4. It can be fun to see how the other folks live!

  5. Lovely colors, reds and greens, I could handle a cup of coffee here.

  6. Looks like a great life! I like the combination of green and red foliage, the shadows, and the new mown grass. Lemonade would be a bonus.

  7. It looks like a beautiful home Pat, I like the entrance, not too over the top grand, but really nice.

  8. We too had a hot and sticky Sunday - Lemonade sounds like a great idea. I too had to settle for just taking pictures.

  9. WOW, that house is stunning. I bet the owners dont mind people taking photos of their lovely home
    Shaun Valleys ShutterBug

  10. Reminds me of the Central West End in St. Louis. I have to be careful how I dress to walk there, are I look out of place and risk having someone call the police.

  11. It is lovely! Maybe you should have knocked on the door and asked nicely for a lemonade. You never know your luck in the big city!
