Monday, June 11, 2012

Gordon's Dairy ca 1940

This 11' x 24'  mural is found on the site of what had been Gordon's Dairy in the Islington area of the city. In the 40s the dairy had a lunch counter and dairy bar inside (which were popular with the teenagers) as well as a fleet of horse-drawn milk wagons which were a familiar sight in the west end. This is yet another of the murals in this area painted by John Kuna, this one done in 2008.
Taking part in Monday Murals. Click here for more murals.


  1. There are so much to see in this mural! We can see through his work he loves Toronto too. ;-)

  2. Love this - the horse drawn trailers are really interesting. Look like they would be just as at home in todays world.

  3. Oh, this is super. I don't remember horse-drawn milk wagons, but I do remember trucks bringing milk to the door when I was a child. In the winter, my brother and I would try to get up before our mom did, so we could sneak out and get the cream which had frozen on top of the (unpasteurized) milk and popped the little cardboard "lid" off the bottle. Mom was never happy about us taking the cream, but we didn't give up trying. LOL

  4. Another magnificent mural!

  5. I like the way it takes you back to the past. I can't believe it hasn't been tagged though! :)

  6. This one is a beauty depicting times past.

  7. Excellent work and an historical monument in paint! My sister was born in 1940, and I can remember riding with my dad when we brought mom and the newborn home in our brand-new 1941 maroon Plymouth!

  8. In the very late 1940s I can remember horse drawn deliveries. Milk came in glass quart bottles. The horses were smart and always knew what house to stop at.

  9. You certainly have a multitude of magnificent murals in Toronto!

  10. Wonderful piece of art, mean to measure time and life.

    Please have a good Tuesday.

    daily athens photo

  11. This one is terrific, RedPat. It reminds me of some I saw in Lyon, France, where trompe l'oeuil is popular.

  12. This one is terrific, RedPat. It reminds me of some I saw in Lyon, France, where trompe l'oeuil is popular.

  13. I love the horse-drawn wagons.

  14. Very nice historic mural. There's pride showing in the work these men did. The horse drawn carts seem so small, like camping trailers. Wonderful find, Pat. Thank you for this contribution to Monday Mural

  15. Amazing slice of history- those horse drawn vehicles look like a 1960s vision of the furture to me- incredible.

    If you do get to Manchester and want a friendly guide and chat over a coffee do let me know Pat!

  16. Sensational Mural. Kuna is very talented. A real conversation piece for pedestrians. Thx for bringing it to us.

  17. Love this one Pat, the horse drawn milk wagons are amazing, i love that everyone has a tale about milk and it's delivery..I can only add by saying we used to have a milkman living next door and he woke me every morning at 5am starting up his milk truck, can't say i miss that haha!

  18. aren't those tear drop wagons the cutest things?!
    even if we still had milk delivery, I bet the men or women would not be dressed up las these men are!

  19. Delightful mural. Love the history it tells, great color, and just pain fun and playful.

    Fantastic Capture.

    Thanks for your visit to my St. Genevieve mural.

  20. Fantastic! Love the vintage feeling to it.
