Thursday, July 26, 2012

Gehry At The AGO

I just returned from spending a rainy morning  at the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario) viewing the Picasso show "Masterpieces From The Musee National Picasso, Paris" but no photos were allowed so I am posting a pic of the wonderful Frank Gehry stairs which rise from the Walker court and break through the skylight to lead up 4 storeys to the top floor of the gallery. I posted a pic of them a year ago but this is a slightly different angle and plus I admit to being fascinated by them every time I  see them! They were part of the 2008 redesign of the AGO by Gehry.  The Picasso show was wonderful too since it featured works from his private collection and is on tour while its home gallery in Paris undergoes renovations.


  1. It seems this Museum is the perfect place to host the Picasso exhibition. ;-)

  2. I'm really taken aback by this is tres magnifique! Wow!

    I believe we saw the Picasso exhibit at the Musee d'Orsay when we were in Paris. Not my favorite artist, but his work is always fun to look at!

  3. I heard from my brother that it was finally raining in Ontario - and no better place to spend that kind of day! Great set of stairs - haven't been to the AGO since many years before they were put in.

  4. What a magnificently sculptural staircase!

  5. Goodness amazing staircase, looks like a water chute! Is it open or enclosed?

  6. This resembles the water tunnel I normally see in swimming pool centre.

    This certainly looks interesting being located above main entrance

  7. amazing staircase and a great photo. i love our art gallery and i believe you also have a very good photo of the staircase poking through the art gallery's beautiful 'blue' wall from the grange. you take some marvelous photos red pat. they make me proud of our city. thank you.

  8. Wonderful place!

  9. spectacular stairs! What a fantastic opportunity to see such an artist! I bought a print of one of his paintings for my mom when I was a freshman in college. She liked it a lot. I don't know what happened to it after she died.

  10. Lucky you to see this phenomenal show. Last time I was in Ontario the museum was undergoing a complete restoration - I was devastated. At least I can see it vicariously through you.

    That stairwell is just breathtaking - wow, wow, wow.

  11. i actually got a membership to the AGO just so I could wander in and out on a whim to see this staircase whenever I wanted.
    Not a fan of Picasso, but glad you enjoyed it.

  12. How lucky to get to see this exhibit Pat -- the joys of living in a real City (that I only experience now through blogs)! That staircase really is fascinating...I missed it before, so I'm really really glad you took another picture!

  13. Great design, and photo!

  14. I do like that stairway! Too bad you couldn't take photos of the Picasso show.

  15. Gosh that is an amazing image Pat, the Gehry stairs are brilliant and so perfect for an art gallery.

  16. Good old Frank. :-)

    Nice shot Pat.

  17. I took my MiL to the show. Of course, we got a pic similar to this one. ;)

    PS: I didn't see any signs saying no photos, so I got a few illegal ones before one of the security people told me it was not allowed.

  18. Simply amazing. So much more interesting then a normal spiral staircase.

  19. Oh my goodness, I've never seen this before. Just simply amazing, and marvelous sculpting! Such talent.
