Friday, July 27, 2012

Porch View Dances - The Ringmaster

Last week, from Thursday evening to Sunday afternoon, a very unusual event, "Porch View Dances", took place in Seaton Village which is the part of Toronto just west of the Annex. It involved a walking tour of the neighbourhood, with this fine gentleman as the ringmaster, stopping at 5 homes where the families of each home put on a dance performance each of which had been professionally choreographed and well practiced since last fall. The tour I attended had an audience of over 100 people and the cool part of the tour was that there were no police escorts but rather we all just took to the street and volunteers on bicycles blocked each end of the particular block that we were on. It was like guerilla performance art and was fabulous! I'll show some more shots of the performers on the weekend.


  1. Sounds wonderful! I look forward to seeing more photos.

  2. I love the girl with her hands over her ears. Every emotional.

  3. This seems rather an interesting event organised in the suburban streets.

    I did similar tour while I was in New York in the past.

  4. This is amazing, Pat. I've not heard of anything like it. Wondrous things can be accomplished if people put their minds and skills together. I shall look forward to more photos of the performers.

  5. This sounds like a lot of fun. I will be waiting for the rest of the series.

  6. It sounds so fun! And it was cool volunteers worked together so people could enjoy the event. ;-)

  7. This is new to me. Looks like fun, not sure about the hat though! Have a nice weekend Red Pat!

  8. Reminds me of shows we put on as kids in the neighborhood.

  9. Families dancing of their home porchs? What an unusual idea! :-)
