Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Hugh Maclean/Gevaert Canada Ghost Sign

This is 2 ghost signs in 1, found on a building on Adelaide St W and probably soon to disappear behind another condo tower. The building was built in 1915 as the headquarters of Hugh Maclean Publications Limited and was their office here until 1953 when they moved to the suburbs. At that time a photographic reproduction firm, Gevaert Canada, moved in and painted their sign over the Maclean sign and they only stayed until 1959. Now both signs are visible. I'm not sure what the round image and the rectangular box in the upper left are but the the box has Gevaert written on  it so it must be something photo related.
Taking part in Signs,Signs. Click here for more signs.


  1. I just love this kind of old painted sign (ghost sign is a great way to describe it, I've not heard that before)...and to get two-for-the-price of one is even better. Great picture.

  2. I'm glad you photographed the signs before they are hidden again!

  3. It is difficult to keep ghosts visible for too long so you have done a good deed. Love these old signs and I'm always sorry to see them disappear.

  4. Looks like a palimpsest, Pat. Interesting that the older sign has survived better than the newer one...

  5. A ghost sign with a "double" history! Unique and fascinating! I am wondering why "all blue" - related to the product?

  6. You must be on a "ghost" hunt with all these ghost signs! Great image!

  7. I agree with NixBlog - the word that came to mind immediately was "palimpsest". Nice 2-for-1'er!

  8. Wonderful Red Pat!

  9. Two ghost signs for the price of one! Excellent.

  10. excellent signs! and it is neat that the older sign was possibly meant to last forever.

  11. Nice sign - and different colours! I must get myself down there before you can't see anything anymore!

  12. A double ghost sign! Now, that is a ghost sign collector's holy grail, isn't it?

  13. Now that is a mixed message! Two-in-one, to save on costs. Lol.

  14. What a great find, with two in one!

  15. Love these old signs on city walls...keeps the memories alive....have a good week Red Pat..

  16. Wow Pat. You are becoming a expert at finding ghost signs.

  17. beautiful old signs
    that blue color must have been amazing when new
    I love the old weathered brick

  18. I shutter each time I see paint on brick. Nasty deed!

  19. It's great you have preserved this, soon to be lost forever :-(

  20. A double whammy! Nice work indeed Pat.

  21. We've lost a few of these as part of the olympic clean up of the city. Be interesting to see what we are left with when everyone has gone home
