Thursday, July 19, 2012

McMurtry Fountain

I showed you this sculpture, "Pillars Of Justice", by English artist Edwina Sandys sprinkled with snow in Jan '11 (here) but I've always wanted a pic with the fountains beside it working.  The McMurtry Fountain, named for judge & politician Roy McMurtry, was designed by landscape architect Michael Hough and installed in 1964 outside the Courthouse on University Ave.  In 2010 the fountains were totally refurbished with the most current energy efficient systems and continue to provide a bit of cool mist  during the incredible heat we have been experiencing!


  1. The sculpture reminded me right away of Judith Brown's 'Caryatids' sculpture.

    I must have walked by this sculpture at one time but wasn't paying enough attention. As per usual.

  2. Love the sculture which reminds me of one by Rodin...can't remember the name off-hand. Love the fountain, too, and that cool mist must be nice in the midst of your heat wave!

    Re your comment on Ocala: I would try to scratch that cow's head, but there's a great big Texas Longhorn Bull lurking about who takes exception to anyone (human or animal) messing with his harem!

  3. Looks like the statues have their own sunshade! Nice combination of soft and hard shapes.

  4. I cant offer the level of in depth knowledge of sculptures but it looks like a pretty cool piece of art, the photo well composed and executed.
    Have a good weekend

  5. This certainly makes an gorgeous photograph!

  6. Nice to enjoy a fountain! - we have one, count it, one - small one in the whole town!

  7. Fascinating sculpture, I think everyone is looking for a tiny bit of relief in this heat wave.

  8. It is a very appropriate work for the plaza of a courthouse. The fountains around here have been working overtime during the last week's heat wave.

  9. The fountain looks similiar to the rainfall we have been experiencing this summer, 'cool' shot!

  10. that is a clever sculpture, RedPat.

    Seems like there are a lot of playful installations in Toronto. Fun!

  11. I've never seen this sculpture in person. I'm surprised you didn't catch anyone dipping their feet in the fountain to keep cool!

  12. It sure is attractive with the fountains turned on!
