Saturday, November 17, 2012

Fallen Willow

I took this shot last Sunday near where I took yesterday's pic. It is probably a victim of Hurricane Sandy's winds which were quite strong here and knocked down a lot of trees although we didn't get huge amounts of rain. Everyone going by was taking a look and most were taking a pic with their phone while this fellow had arrived with his tripod & camera and was really into his subject! It looked as if this had been one of the largest trees in the area. Sad.


  1. From the look of the age of the rest of them you might be lucky it was only one. It's a nice park, hope they have the sense to replace it with a sapling for the next generation.

    80kph winds here today, with rain, so I expect to see a few down here this weekend.

  2. Very sad. Hope Tripod Guy got the shots he wanted!

  3. Yes that is sad. I'm thinking about having some trees taken down in my yard this year because I'm worried about one of them falling on my house the next time we get a hurricane.

  4. Yes, I find that very sad, too. It takes a long time to get a tree to that size.

    You should have seen south Florida after Andrew! Miles of nothing left. We lived 40 miles north and were up all night thinking it was the end of the world, and went out in the morning to find many mighty oaks had fallen in our area.

  5. A testament to the power of a storm... good shot!

  6. Always a shame to see an old tree come to the ends of it's days.

  7. What a shock to see such a huge tree toppled.

  8. Yup. This is a familiar sight. A sad sight, but a familiar one.

  9. If the willow is left where it is the portion face the ground will sprout roots. Even when they fall over willows continue to thrive.

  10. It's very sad to see such a large tree downed by the wind.

  11. Always sad to see a large tree down, and yet that is the way of Mother Nature

  12. Absolutely amazing that the wind can have that much power Pat.
