Friday, November 16, 2012

Peace Among The Willows

I shot this pic last Sunday morning when out for a walk along the Lakeshore in the Sunnyside Beach area and the pic has the same atmosphere as the morning was - peaceful. It's funny how the Willows seem to be among the last of the trees to lose their leaves in the fall. Click on this one to enlarge it.


  1. Reminds me so much of the park in my hometown, which isn't surprising as Kingston is just a metaphorical hop-sip-jump down the way. Great pic Red.

  2. That's an epic picture, so deep and wide!

  3. This is a glorious shot...could be a painting. The trees are gorgeous, and you have a couple with a child and a man reading at a table with his bike parked next to him. What more could you ask for? Frame it and hang it. Just crop out the street on the left and those whitish poles on the right and bring up the bottom of the photo close to the tree trunk on the left.

    If that doesn't work then you know I don't know what I'm talking about! :-)

  4. Great shot RedPat, fairly shouts Sunday Morning!

  5. 48 degrees? Yikes. Well, I've played golf here in 48 degrees and we get people from the north who never wear long pants even if it should happen to dip into the 30s overnight!

    In fact, I think it's gonna be about 52 when I head to the golf course Sunday morning. I'll have on a sweat shirt, jacket, long pants, gloves, hat, etc. Probably won't be able to hit the ball but I'll be warm, darn it!

  6. A gorgeous scene! Love how it seems so expansive! :)

  7. I wonder if the same scene 30 years ago would have shown the trees bare of leaves by this point in the year?

  8. What a spot to read a book or just take in the afternoon.

  9. Certainly worth enlarging, a lovely scene. It almost makes you feel as though you're there.

  10. THAT is a wonderful scene!

  11. Bravo, RedPat! This photo is a winner. Great subject matter and wonderful composition. I want to be there.

  12. What a beautiful shot this is. You are so right, peaceful is the perfect word to describe this scene.

  13. A really lovely image Red and even more so when enlarged. The perfect spot for a weekend walk.

  14. I love willows because they will be among the first to show colour in spring too. ;)
